Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yoko Sizzlers

It’s a time for Sizzlers.

Saturday night we all went to Yoko Sizzlers at Fort, well all of us except my wife who has been advised by doctor to take complete bed rest. I was not very much interested in going out without her.

My son ordered for Veg. Shashalik Sizzlers, and Veg. Sizzlers by me. Somewhat we did not enjoy Sizzlers. It was not up to mark. I found in Veg. Sizzlers, the major portion was Potato Chips and half way the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utilities started applying.

I also think the price was also at higher side. Rs.280.00 and Rs.230.00 for simply Veg.

Not worth going again at their fort branch. We had been to their original outlet at Khar three four times and I feel the taste is more superior over their.


Sri said...

I love Sizzlers...and is looking yummy.

Anonymous said...

Fort madhe pan aheka? Wow! I had no clue. We used to go to the one near Chowpatty first - that was Yoko's wasn't it? Or was it some other sizzler place? And the one in Khar used to be a haunt. We used to either get there before the crowds or right after the crowds dissipated. The sizzlers were fantastic. Of course vegetarian sizzler koni khala ahe? Not me! :-D